Welcome to FCWR101
A writing course taught by Vance Stevens
for NYIT in Abu Dhabi UAE, Sept-Dec 2011
This space is the public portal for this course.
Materials will be added here as they are developed.
If you want to join our class Twitter list please let Vance know your Twitter ID
- Week 9
- Syllabus objectives for Week 9
- Week 8
- Syllabus objectives for Week 8
- Introduction to APA - Sunday, October 30, 2011
- Test Essay #2 - Tuesday, November 1, 2011
- Week 7
- Syllabus objectives for Week 7
- Starting your research paper, Tuesday, October 25, 2011
- Class activities for Tuesday, October 25
- Homework assigned Tuesday, October 25, due Sunday Oct 30, 2011
- Unity and Cohesion - Sunday, October 23, 2011
- Class activities for Sunday, October 23
- Homework assigned Sunday, October 23, due Tuesday Oct 25 2011
- Quick links to topics for Weeks 1 - 7 (also, see Sidebar -->
- About the course
- Important announcements - New for Oct 16
- From Oct 11 - about revising your work by final due date
- Please contribute to our Posterous blog
- Tools and key concepts
- Creative Commons
- The Complete Lexical Tutor (with concordance program)
- Edmodo
- Teacher's links
Week 9
Syllabus objectives for Week 9
- Further discussion on APA
- Referencing, quoting, summarizing academic sources
- Incorporating secondary sources into an argument
- Intro. to plagiarism
- Basic Internet & Research Skills;
- Learning about Info. Resource Databases
- Submission of 1st draft of research paper with outline (on Tuesday)
see handout
The machine is using us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLlGopyXT_g
Heavy Metal Umlaut: http://jonudell.net/udell/gems/umlaut/umlaut.html
Week 8
Syllabus objectives for Week 8
- Discussion on research paper
- Discuss research topics
- Introduction to APA
- Sample APA research paper
- Test essay 2 (Nov 1, 2011)
Introduction to APA - Sunday, October 30, 2011
Purdue OWL, writing research papers in APA style http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
Handouts given out last Tuesday also need to be linked from here (note to teacher from Vance :-)
Test Essay #2 - Tuesday, November 1, 2011
(my apologies, I had the date wrong here - it's on TUESDAY, no class on Thursday)
Quiz and essay marking in general
You have a rubric for marking in your syllabus
In addition here are some minimum requirements for your essays :
An outline of the essay
- Introduction - Somewhere in this paragraph, a clear and focused statement of the thesis
- A good topic sentence for the paragraph
- Some background on the topic
- A good conclusion for the paragraph
- At least one paragraph supporting the thesis
- A good topic sentence for the paragraph
- At least one sentence supporting the topic of the paragraph
- The more sentences to support the topic the better
- A good conclusion for the paragraph
- Possibly one or more paragraphs like the one above
- Conclusion
- A good topic sentence for the paragraph
- Somewhere in the paragraph, a re-worded re-statement of the thesis
- A good conclusion for the paragraph, which also concludes the essay
A good essay might start from an outline - a test essay should definitely start from an outline
If you write the essay without an outline (good writers with clear ideas to communicate can do that) then you should be able to prepare an outline from the essay.
Week 7
Syllabus objectives for Week 7
- Unity and Coherence
- Feedback on Test Essay
- Topic of research paper to be submitted with outline
- Handout on research paper
Starting your research paper, Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Class activities for Tuesday, October 25
Homework assigned Tuesday, October 25, due Sunday Oct 30, 2011
Submit a proposal for your research paper including
- title
- abstract
- thesis statement
- outline
Unity and Cohesion - Sunday, October 23, 2011
Class activities for Sunday, October 23
Example of cohesion:
There are many advantages and disadvantages of using the internet for research but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. …
One of the advantages of using the Internet for research is easy access to information
Another advantage of using the Internet for research is that gathering information regarding your topic is faster on the Internet
Also, referencing your research is made easier when you use the Internet for research.
We worked on cohesion in this space:
http://willyou.typewith.me/p/oct23 and on Tuesday we copied this here http://titanpad.com/JrRt1YcCIM
Homework assigned Sunday, October 23, due Tuesday Oct 25 2011
Please revise your Test 1 essay so that it has
- a good thesis statement
- an outline of main points supporting the thesis statement
- an introduction containing the thesis statement and at least 2 other sentences
- at least one paragraph supporting the thesis with at minimum 3 sentences
- a conclusion with at minimum 3 sentences restating the thesis and reminding the reader how it was supported
"Tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them"
Quick links to topics for Weeks 1 - 7 (also, see Sidebar -->
For information that was here, follow links in the Sidebar
Or find direct links to:
About the course
Important announcements - New for Oct 16
Your teacher has decided to complete the lesson on Introductions and Conclusions on Sunday Oct 16 so as to give Test Essay 1 on Tuesday Oct 18. There will be a class on Thu Oct 20, for feedback on your test essay finishing the section on outlining, and work on cohesive devices (discourse markers).
From Oct 11 - about revising your work by final due date
Hi dear students, many of you are losing marks because you are not revising your work.
Your teacher thinks you learn most when you revise. Therefore if you have work due on a certain day, I will mark it and then give you a couple of days to revise it for a higher mark.
For example, your paragraph (or two) on comparison / contrast was due on Sunday Oct 9. I marked it on Monday Oct 10, and you will see my feedback by class time Tuesday Oct 11, with a preliminary mark. You will see that you can REVISE these paragraphs by Thursday Oct 13, and I will re-mark them. So if I gave you a C on first reading you can get a B or an A depending on how well you do the revision.
Please note that due to the high workload in this system, I will NOT re-mark work that is past the final revision deadline. Thanks for your understanding :-)
Previous announcements:
What was here on Oct 2 has been moved here <== click to see
Please view the new page to see what has been added
For example, there is a chart showing when assessments are due and their % of your mark
and what to put in your binder
Please contribute to our Posterous blog
See the blog here: http://fcwr101.posterous.com
For more information: http://fcwr101.pbworks.com/w/page/46420971/about#Posterous
Of course your contribution counts toward the 20% of your mark that goes for professionalism and class participation
Tools and key concepts
Creative Commons
Important premise2:
- If you CREATE content you own the copyright.
You do not have to write @copyright on it. It is YOURS if you create it.
- Creative commons allows creators of content to indicate how others can use it within a LEGAL framework defining what use is allowed
Creative Commons is a way that creators of content online can indicate to consumers of content that they (the consumers) can use their copyrighted work as long as they (1) attribute the source, and (2) share alike (license their own content containing the copyrighted work in the same way).
There are other rights that can be specified; for example, content creators can allow or disallow commercial re-use of their material, and can allow or disallow derivatives (e.g. mashups) of their work.
The Complete Lexical Tutor (with concordance program)
This tool is great for seeing how others use words in context
The Compleat Lexical Tutor http://www.lextutor.ca/
Links to a CONCORDANCE program http://www.lextutor.ca/concordancers/
Choose a corpus (a body of text) of a genre that interests you
OR chose the combined LOB and Brown with a corpus of over 2 million words
FAB1 played with this tool: (didn't work all that well :-)
To join, create a student account
Use this code 2mh4xu
Teacher's links
Vance's office = F2/4
Classes = F3/3
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