

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 13 years, 3 months ago

About the FCWR101 course 


Course syllabus and class tracking document




Tracking your progress in the course


A Google Spreadsheet showing individual progress in the course is shared with you in your Google Docs

If you don't see it please mention this to your teacher  

    • Click on the FAB 1 tab if you're in the 12:30 to 14:00 class Sundays and Tuesdays
    • Click on the FAB 2 tab if you're in the 17:00 to 18:30 class Sundays and Tuesdays 




If Vance has your email address he has invited you to this blog space as a contributor.  This means you can post blog entries.  You are asked to do this every two weeks, Oct 2, Oct 16 etc.

If you haven't been invited please mention this to your teacher 


Your postings here are a part of your 20% class participation mark.


We will use this blog space to comment on each other's work. Since there are 30 students enrolled in this course a lot of your feedback on your writing will come from one another (teacher will feed back on what is taught in the syllabus). 


Further information:



How to CONNECT in your FCWR101 course


  1. Get the textbook from the bookstore
  2. Set up a binder with 15 tabbed spaces and put the syllabus in it and also your first writing sample (required in syllabus)
  3. Create a GMAIL account, THEN do the next step
  4. Share a writing sample with vancestev@gmail.com, THEN you will be able to do the next step
  5. Look in your Google DOCUMENTS to find the Google Spreadsheet showing your progress in the course
  6. When you are invited to Posterous accept the invitation, create an account, and you should be able to view the blog space http://fcwr101.posterous.com/



Submitting your homework via Google Docs




1. Log on to Gmail

2. click on DOCUMENTS near the top left of the browser window

3. Pull down CREATE NEW and select DOCUMENT

4. Paste into there what you want to submit

5. Rename "untitled document" to the format given here 

6. Click on SHARE in the upper right corner of the browser window

7. Under "Add People" enter vancestev@gmail.com

8. If my picture appears in the list of "Who has access" then your work is submitted


Instructions for naming files

  • Please write as a title of your document the assignment, your name, its title; for example
    Description - My Name - My favorite place 
  • Please make sure your work forms ONE paragraph that is indented and has topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion 
  • Please make sure your work is on time, if not it will not be marked
  • If you wish to revise it after my feedback I might award it one higher mark (from C to B for example) 


Policy on work not on time


Please note in the syllabus that late work is not accepted in this course.  This is because there are so many students, it is really difficult to keep track of work that comes in late when assignments are being made every day.  


You can DO your work any time, and share it in Google Docs. This is better than not doing it.  But the teacher cannot track each student who fails to meet deadlines.  Getting work in on time is YOUR responsibility.


However, you may revise your work in Google Docs up to the moment the teacher actually marks it.  The teacher might mark it at any time after its due date.


Paragraph marking scheme


Points are deducted (roughly) as follows, from each paragraph submitted


- 5 for not having a title that gives the topic in a few words

- 3 for each paragraph missing indentation

- 5 each, for missing or poor topic sentence or conclusion sentence

- 5 for sentences in each paragraph not on topic

- 5 for sentences in each paragraph not logically organized

- 5 for incomplete or run-on sentences

- 5 for not following the genre of the assignment (opinion, contrast, etc)

- 5 for mistakes in spelling and grammar that interfere with understanding



Course assessments listed in the syllabus (what to put in your binder)


Writing assessments are written on paper, in class, on the day assigned

About when? Exact date to be announced Assessment  Percent 
Week 5  Oct 9 or 11 or later  Test Essay 1  10% 
Week 6  Oct 20th   Test Essay 2  10% 
Week 8  Oct 30 or Nov 1 or 3rd Test Essay 3  10% 
Week 8  Oct 30 or Nov 1 or 3rd  1st draft of research paper with outline  10%  
Week 10 Nov 20 or 22 2nd draft of research paper 
(handed in with first draft 
Week 12 Dec 4 or 6

Test Essay 4 

Week 13 Dec 13 final deadline Submit final research paper plus all drafts
together with all the above marked essays 
from your binder
Week 13 Class performance and professionalism

Your binder and homework



Note, there are classes on Thursdays on October 6 and 20, Nov 3, and Dec 1




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