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Saved by Vance Stevens
on February 14, 2012 at 9:10:40 am

Learner-centered do-it-yourself Learning Management Systems


This wiki was created and implemented as a means for conducting a course in research paper writing delivered for non-native speakers of English at New York Institute of Technology in Abu Dhabi from September to October 2011.  The technique is being replicated for the HCT / CERT Naval College where I have been teaching since October, 2011: http://academiccomposition.pbworks.com. The rationale for this course is explained in the presentations detailed below.


On February 8, 2012 I gave a keynote plenary address at the British Council, Moroccan Association of Teachers of English (MATE) and IATEFL Learning Technologies Special Interest Group (LT-SIG) 1st International Conference of ICT in Education in Marrakech, Morocco from 8th-11th February 2012, http://ltsig.org.uk/events/13-future-events/221-022012-marrakech-morocco.html.  Artifacts from that presentation have been preserved online here:


As the conference theme was on Opportunities, challenges and practical solutions for the integration of ICT in education

  • I talked first on the challenges of preparing young learners for jobs that haven't been invented yet in an age where accelerating change in knowledge and how we acquire it through networked learning require that we not just teach, but model for them, how to learn.
  • Second, I discussed the many opportunities we as teachers and role models have to learn from one another in a digitally connected world.  
  • Finally, I proposed a DIYLMS solution as one example of how learning with others in a PLN can suggest ways that tools used in learning from one another online can be applied in the classroom.


I have submitted the following proposal to the 6th eLearning in Action conference at the Sharjah Higher Colleges of Technology on April 3, 2012, "an event where teachers, eLearning developers and educational technology specialists from HCT and other educational institutions convene to share, connect, discuss and learn about the best ideas and technologies for eLearning;" see:



DIYLMS: Student-centered do-it-yourself Learning Management System



This presentation addresses situations where we are expected to develop viable courses quickly. Flexible creativity is achieved with DIYLMS (do it yourself LMS) using a wiki portal for course information and links, Google Docs for student writing and feedback, and blogging for students to showcase their work.



I have been teaching research writing to NNS with NYIT on the ADMC campus as well as Academic Composition at HCT/CERT Naval College.  Both contexts have required me to develop or adapt viable courses quickly, effectively gauge learner response and interest, and adjust materials on-the-fly to better meet learner needs. Flexibility, creativity, and organization beneficial to both instructor and student are achieved using DIYLMS (do it yourself LMS). Components include a wiki portal for course information, links pertinent to course content and management, and screencast and other tutorials. Google Docs are used for student collection of assignments. Teacher feedback can be given in-class directly on real-time, interactive instances of student writing for all to see via in-class projector, and for individual students to follow right there on their laptops, whereas effective feedback can be given between classes via a medium where it can be immediately seen, day or night, when students are revising their work.  Another component, blogging, is used to showcase student work. I also use etherpad clones for certain classwork and Jing to create annotated screen-capture and screencast tutorials.  All of these tools are free and work through institutional firewalls. In this presentation I will share anecdotal data gathered through writings from both sets of students.



Vance's career includes ESL lecturer, CALL coordinator, software developer, and teacher coordinator at Naval College, CERT/HCT. Founder of CALL-IS in TESOL and Webheads, he facilitates TESOL/EVO online sessions and serves on editorial boards of teacher professional journals.



lms, wiki, google docs, learner independence, jing, etherpad, research, writing, CALL, language learning, learning management systems, elearning, online learning, learner independence


I hope to be able to broadcast the presentation live using Bb Collaborate (Elluminate) and thus capture a recording.  I intend to write it up as well after analyzing the data gleaned from student writings.  Links to both will be added here when that work is done.





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